
Technology News

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blackberry OS 5 - Where have you been all my life?

On Monday of this week, I got the notification from Blackberry that my Storm's OS has been updated, and that I might want to do the update.

So I did. At first I regretted the effort. I grew to dislike the Storm more and more over the year that I've had it, and the process of upgrading was horrendous. It didn't work at first - or second - or fourth or fifth. It just kept stopping in the middle telling me a fatal error occurred, and left me between the old OS 4.7 and the new OS 5, and a non-functioning phone. I was not pleased.

Patience and time, and really nothing to lose, had me try the upgrade over and over again until finally late in the afternoon it worked. I restored my personal data from a backup that I had, and then took the upgraded phone out for a spin.

WOW. If this thing had acted like this over the past year, I would not have been so strident in expressing my hatred to family and friends. Quick and responsive - the two things I wanted most have arrived. This phone now actually does what I want, when I want! No more push the thing and wait, wait, wait, until it finally figures out what to do. The hated lock/unlock feature now works immediately!

Not only do things work quickly, but there is a bit of eye candy with screen opens and closes, and fast scrolling that "bounces" when you reach the end of a list.

I actually like this phone much, much more. I might even be able to wait for my "new every two" time before switching to an Android phone.

This morning when checking a voice message I noticed that the number pad remains on the screen when you make a call so that you don't have to call it back up to tap in your access code. Gosh what a novel concept - at least for the Storm. That was one of my pet peeves all along - the minute you send your call, the number pad disappeared. Thank you again!

But I am looking around for access to the App store that I had under 4.7.

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